Just start ✏️

It begins…

… finally, after having around for weeks in my to-do list, I am making the first post to my micro-blog.

I have longed to have a writing outlet. Yet, I’ve just been standing on the edge, trying to find the place and style for taking the plunge, never quite sure enough to do it.

Then I saw a micro-interview from Billy Oppenheimer on LinkedIn where he talked about a similar issue where he had been thinking about writing online for 2 years before actually doing it because of the idea of needing a niche and needing to know what to write about. That resonated with me instantly, as did the advice he got:

“Just start”

So here I am. Starting something. Finding a writing outlet. Trying to break free from the paralysis of perfectionism and not knowing.

This will hopefully start a journey of writing online, of searching and looking for what I want to write about and what I enjoy writing about. After all, I love putting my thoughts into words when I am not paralysed by perfectionism.

Wish me luck!

Johanna Tuononen @jotuono